Thursday, 14 August 2014

Hi guys!
I have seen a lot of people doing this blog post recently so I am joining in with it. These are my three current favourite jewellery/accessories items at the moment.
My first favourite is a newish thing and it is my baby. It's my Michael Kors watch which I purchased whilst on holiday in Florida in June. I have kind of planned buying a Michael Kors watch whilst I was over there but it depended on whether or not I could afford to buy and if there was a one I fell instantly love with. Luckily, there was 3 I had fallen in love with. One was a oversized silver runway chronograph watch with a blue face. Another was a oversized chunky black and silver one and the final one was a oversized black watch with gold hands and time markings. The final one was the watch I ended up going for after spending almost an hour in the Michael Kors shop deciding. The watch it's self was $180 without tax, it was so much cheaper compared to the pricing of them in the UK! As you can tell by the image, I still have the protector on the face because I am too scared to take it off in case I damage it (haha..) because I do wear it everyday. So far I haven't seen this model of the watch anywhere in the UK or online, so I am thankful I chose the one I did.
My next items are my Pandora rings! The first one I bought was my princess one. I bought this one a couple of months ago because I had a gift card for the shopping centre I bought it at. I love it, which is why I went on and bought another which I equally adore and it's my favourite colour. I bought the enamel ring in black so I could stack it with my princess one and I just love them. They are definitely worth the price and I wear them everyday!
Please excuse my horrendous nails and cuticles and btw, the ring on the ring finger is just a new buy Topshop which I am loving right now but it is not my top favourite.
My final favourite is my Cartier Love style bracelet. Obviously it not real because I could never afford a real one but it is close enough. I actually own three of these, 2 Gold and One Silver with the Diamantes. Because this bracelet is screwed onto my wrist I leave it on everyday but I honestly love it too much to take it off anyways. It goes with everything I wear and it is probably my favourite bracelet I have ever own. All of these bracelets I own I have purchased off Etsy and I know there are more places starting to now stocking them.  

That is all for this week. I hope you enjoyed reading and love my top 3 jewellery pieces as much as me.

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  1. Hey Lauryn,
    I've nominated you for the Liebster Award! Just check out my most recent post for the rules etc: http://beautiful-in-essence.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/liebster-award.html
    I'm looking forward to seeing your answers! : ) x
