Liebster Award

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Aloha Everyone, So I've just noticed that I have been nominated for the Liebster Award by the Beautiful Ava Clarice, from xovintagewayoflifexo. Thanks Ava! Please check out her blog, she is fabulous! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! xox

The rules 

1) Link the blogger(s) that nominated you. 

2) Answer the 10 questions your nominator has asked. 

3) Keep the chain growing by nominating 10 of your favourite bloggers who have less than 200 followers, and let them know. 

4) Create 10 interesting questions for your nominees to answer. 

 Answers to Ava's Questions!

1) What is your favourite brand of make up ? Most likely Benefit, Urban Decay or MUA?

2) What is your dream job ? Fashion Designer in New York

3) Four Places you have always wanted to travel to ? Hawaii, Kenya, Paris and Texas

4) If you could go back in time what era would you go back to ? 1940's because I love the hairstyles and clothes!

5) Your idol or inspiration? Demi Lovato
6) Do you have any talents ? Eating? -Does that count?

7) What is your favourite tv show ? One Tree Hill, Pretty Little Liars, Greys Anatomy and Charmed. (Can't Choose)

8) Who is your favourite fashion designer or favourite clothing brand ? I wear alot of Topshop, but Designer would probably be Alexander McQueen

9) If you could meet one person (dead or alive) who would it be ? I want to say Demi Lovato but there are some many people that I would like to meet. Maybe my Grandma or Great Grandpa (Heard some great stuff about them) 

10) What is your favourite colour ? Black

My Nominations

My Questions

1) Favourite piece of clothing to wear?
2) Favourite Musician?
3) Favourite clothing store?
4) What's your favouritest thing about your self?
5) Best moment in your life?
6) Why did you start your blog?
7) Life motto you live by?
8) Style Icon?
9) Dream holiday destination?
10) Five random facts about your self?

Thank you for reading!

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  1. Nice answers! :) I love Urban Decay, I'm doing a Vice 2 giveaway on my Instagram right now! I just became your newest follower <3 Hope you can check out my blog xx

    TWITTER @sixthtractate
    INSTAGRAM @heartofplastic
